another one opens. What better time to announce that My personal store is opening November 1, 2012, and is currently having a designer call. I co own this store with Patty Beyer, a simply wonderful lady who is like a sister to me and has been for years. We already co own Taggers Delight, and Bella Zingaro is our newest venture! Bella Zingaro is Italian for Beautiful Gypsy, and to me it brings to mind a bit of bohemian flair so we decided to leave the look bright, clean, and simple. So come on by, check us out, browse a little, and hopefully, you'll decide to stick around! if you are a designer looking for a home where you can simply relax and design with no pressure, then email me at and I'll provide details as to our requirements, and trust me, they are small. I believe our time should be devoted to our families and designing, and with as little crazy requirements as possible! lol You can visit us below!
Wonderful kits as always!
Thanks hun! I really need to update more and expand my CT. But OMG I never have enough hours in the day lol
Good luck with your new store Lynne. I will see you there often as I am glad to be a part of it :)
Thank you!
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